Home » Patients near Mississauga ask, “Which dentist provides teeth whitening?”

Patients near Mississauga ask, “Which dentist provides teeth whitening?”

How important is your smile? It creates an unspoken bond with anyone within sight. It radiates warmth and confidence. It expresses happiness. Those functions are pretty important. Your smile also gives others an immediate impression of your character and lifestyle. It may not be fair or accurate, but they’ll form opinions about your responsibility, healthy, trustworthiness, and hygiene. If your smile is dingy and unattractive, it can be difficult to change those opinions. A recent survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry revealed some amazing findings:

Happy couple with pefect teeth
  • 74 percent of those surveyed believe that an unattractive smile is detrimental to career success.
  • 99.7 percent see an appealing smile as a critical social asset.
  • 96 percent said an attractive smile makes a person more desirable to the opposite sex.
  • When survey respondents were asked what they’d most like to change about their smiles, the overwhelming response was “whiter and brighter teeth.”

That makes a great case for teeth whitening. Baby teeth typically come in pearly white. That’s why we associate white teeth with youth and good health. Permanent teeth, though, become yellowish or darker over time, and show stains from beverages, foods, and tobacco. That ages your smile and your face. Dr. Rina Kotecha and her hygiene team at Dentistry on 10 come to the rescue with professional teeth whitening options.

Need a flashy smile fast? You relax in the dental chair while the team takes steps to protect your eyes and soft mouth tissues. Medical grade whitening gel is applied to teeth and activated with a special LED light. Your smile gets shades brighter in about an hour. This method is perfect for tomorrow’s job interview, big date, or family get-together.

Prefer a more gradual approach? Dr. Rina takes impressions of your mouth to create whitening trays that fit snugly and comfortably. You add whitening gel and wear the trays for an hour or two each day (while you sleep, if you’d like) until your smile reaches desired brilliance.

How about some easy touch up techniques? Good home hygiene and regular dental checkups are the best way to keep your whitened smile dazzling, but for a bit of extra boost, use the whitening tray periodically. Dr. Rina can recommend other whitening products – toothpaste, mouth rinse, strips, and brush-on gel – that complement professional whitening nicely. You know she wouldn’t suggest them unless she knew they were safe and effective.

Would you like to learn more about teeth whitening from the Mississauga dentist who has been helping patients love their smiles since 2003? Call (905) 455-9262 to become a Dentistry on 10 patient.

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5 Star Reviews

Our Happy Patients Say

Procedure - Bridge Testimonial

What issue did you have before you came here with your teeth? Before I came to see Doctor, there was a front tooth of mine which broke and that were two teeth put for me in front. Many years ago, in Tanzania and a slum. So, one day when I was eating something hard It broke so I had to come to doctor. I came and I showed Doctor and Doctor said this has to be removed. Once I remove this, we will have to put a bridge for you And I said Okay because without that two teeth in the front, I could not smile. I was looking terrible You know, so I said to doctor. Okay I’ll, I’ll, put a bridge, she said I’ll put fight for you and I said how much will it cost Doctor, and Doctor gave me the price and I told her OKAY. I have my son in Tanzania. I’m going to tell him about it, tell him about the price and see what he’s saying and asking should I do it here, Should I come to Tanzania and do it, and he told me no mum. I want you to do it with Doctor Rena. So go ahead. So, I came back and I told doctor I want to do it and she started working on me and one day I was called. That’s the day I was going to get my bridge. She told me you’ll have to have patience. You have to for three hours this work will take. I said Okay she handled me so well. The reason is I cannot lie flat on the bed, so I brought my pillow. I put my pillow and doctor worked and worked. Maybe Doctor was getting tired because you know they had to bend down, but she did it then she gave me a break after one and. 1/2 hour. I got up. I came out, had a walk, went back again, then she started again and after three hours she fixed the bridge and she said to me. Look, how do you look now? Oh God, I was shocked. I was shocked. I said doctor, look at my smile, it’s so good Now I don’t have to worry You know, so I can show Everybody, my teeth now like. That so that was it. And I’m so happy with Doctor Reena and I would recommend her to Anybody who ever wants to do a bridge Because she really handled me with care. I do not really know If I had gone some other dentist, if they would have had the patience, the patience she took with me was fantastic and I’m always thanking God for giving such a good doctor.

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Meet Dr. Rina Kotecha

Dr. Rina Kotecha is a graduate of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She possesses 19 years of expertise in the dentistry field specializing in general dentistry. She has further qualifications from the MGE Executive Training Program and Master Implant Training Program while holding certification in Soft Tissue Management Program by DenMat. She completed the Rondeau Seminars in Level I Orthodontics and she is an active member of the Ontario Dental Association and Ontario Dental Implant Network.