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5 Star Reviews

Our Happy Patients Say

Procedure - Bridge Testimonial

What issue did you have before you came here with your teeth? Before I came to see Doctor, there was a front tooth of mine which broke and that were two teeth put for me in front. Many years ago, in Tanzania and a slum. So, one day when I was eating something hard It broke so I had to come to doctor. I came and I showed Doctor and Doctor said this has to be removed. Once I remove this, we will have to put a bridge for you And I said Okay because without that two teeth in the front, I could not smile. I was looking terrible You know, so I said to doctor. Okay I’ll, I’ll, put a bridge, she said I’ll put fight for you and I said how much will it cost Doctor, and Doctor gave me the price and I told her OKAY. I have my son in Tanzania. I’m going to tell him about it, tell him about the price and see what he’s saying and asking should I do it here, Should I come to Tanzania and do it, and he told me no mum. I want you to do it with Doctor Rena. So go ahead. So, I came back and I told doctor I want to do it and she started working on me and one day I was called. That’s the day I was going to get my bridge. She told me you’ll have to have patience. You have to for three hours this work will take. I said Okay she handled me so well. The reason is I cannot lie flat on the bed, so I brought my pillow. I put my pillow and doctor worked and worked. Maybe Doctor was getting tired because you know they had to bend down, but she did it then she gave me a break after one and. 1/2 hour. I got up. I came out, had a walk, went back again, then she started again and after three hours she fixed the bridge and she said to me. Look, how do you look now? Oh God, I was shocked. I was shocked. I said doctor, look at my smile, it’s so good Now I don’t have to worry You know, so I can show Everybody, my teeth now like. That so that was it. And I’m so happy with Doctor Reena and I would recommend her to Anybody who ever wants to do a bridge Because she really handled me with care. I do not really know If I had gone some other dentist, if they would have had the patience, the patience she took with me was fantastic and I’m always thanking God for giving such a good doctor.

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