Home » Mississauga dentist offers wisdom teeth removal service for impacted wisdom teeth

Mississauga dentist offers wisdom teeth removal service for impacted wisdom teeth

wisdom teeth removal is one of the most commonly performed oral surgeries. The procedure may be done as a preventative measure or to address an issue. Wisdom teeth can become impacted causing swelling, pain, or damage to the adjacent teeth. Located in Mississauga, Dr. Rina Kotecha and the team at Dentistry on 10 offer wisdom teeth removal service to protect the health of the oral cavity.

A women having tooth ache

The purpose of wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars people get. Generally, wisdom teeth begin to appear or erupt between the ages of 18 and 25. Anthropologically speaking, the extra molars may have been due to larger head and facial sizes as well as dietary needs in breaking down foods. Today, people have smaller faces and jaws. We no longer need the extra set of teeth for our lifestyles.

Smaller jaw sizes have lead to changes in if and how the wisdom teeth erupt. Some people never get wisdom teeth. For some, they grow in naturally without ever causing a problem. People may get two teeth or four. Unfortunately, the majority of individuals not only get their third set of teeth but also have issues with them. An estimated 85 percent of people who get wisdom teeth need to have them removed at some point.

Reasons for wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth are not removed just on a whim. When the decision is made to extract or remove teeth, the goal is to protect the overall health of the mouth. Young adults who go through wisdom tooth extraction may do it as part of a preventative plan. The goal is to avoid future issues such as the teeth becoming impacted, pushing against, and damaging the surrounding teeth. Extracting teeth is not a decision that is taken lightly. Routine x-rays track the development of wisdom teeth. If the x-rays show the potential for problems, wisdom teeth removal services may be recommended.

The most common reasons for wisdom teeth extractions include the following:

  • The face or jaw size is too small for the teeth to erupt properly.
  • X-rays show the teeth are impacted or may become impacted.
  • Damage to the adjacent teeth has occurred.
  • Future dental problems are probable if the teeth are not removed.

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Impacted wisdom teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth is a common dental concern. Many patients do not actually know what the phrase entails. A wisdom tooth that does not have room to erupt properly is considered impacted. Without enough room, the adjacent teeth may be twisted, displaced, or tilted as the molar tries to erupt. The patient may or may not experience pain. Until a dentist brings attention to the issue, some patients remain unaware of the problem lurking beneath the gums. Symptoms often appear if the gum around the tooth becomes infected or swollen. Symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth may include:

  • Pain
  • Bleeding, swollen gums
  • Swollen jaw
  • Bad breath
  • Headache
  • Jaw tenderness or stiffness
  • Swollen lymph nodes
Dentist examining a patient

Impacted wisdom teeth must be treated before extensive damage is caused to the surrounding teeth. The wisdom teeth may push against the adjacent teeth causing them to shift or become crowded. Infection, tooth decay, and gum disease can occur. Rarely, tumors or cysts may appear. Patients who experience pain or symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth should contact their dentist for an appointment.

By visiting the dentist regularly for exams and x-rays, potential problems such as impacted wisdom teeth can be prevented or addressed before they further escalate. Teens or young adults should have their wisdom teeth evaluated at routine dental appointments. This allows the dentist to assess and monitor the teeth. Removing wisdom teeth for a young adult minimizes the risks of future dental complications.

The x-rays show the location, position, and potential direction your teeth may take. The dentist discusses treatment options including extraction. Using precise techniques, sedation, anesthesia, and a gentle touch, the teeth are removed quickly and painlessly. The length of the recovery period varies from patient to patient depending upon the difficulty of the extraction. Following your dentist’s instructions helps ease your healing and improves your results.

Wisdom teeth removal is often a proactive way to improve the health of the mouth. Contact Dr. Rina Kotecha and the team at Dentistry on 10 in Mississauga, ON to schedule your appointment. Call (905) 455-9262.

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So, tell us a little bit about you know what problem you were having before you came to dentistry on 10. Okay, my problem was that that I had my dentures for 30 years and then when I came to dentistry on 10, I met Doctor Rena you know for the first time she talked to me you know and I voiced all my problem and I was so glad you know that he listened to me for the first time, that this doctor, you know is so very national emotionally I. I was so impressed of what the caring he did to me and that the her hand is so gentle and that’s why I’ll never forget her, you know, and I as a woman like I mean we have the similarity like and that’s what I just said like about this you know when the first came in here and what she did for my teeth of course, you know. And you know, before you when you had your dentures and you know before she changed it, how was that affecting you in your life? Of course, you know it affects my, and I don’t have any confidence on myself and I don’t even smile you know, then want to open my mouth I’m always like for a long time. For 30 years I’ve always put my hands on my mouth and I don’t my mouth and I don’t want to smile at all. You know, that’s my problem. And now? And now I will never stop, you know, smiling, you know and always thinking of her and how I felt good about myself now. I felt good about myself and I thank you know doctor Rena and although you’re stopping here at dentistry on 10, they are so nice so nice. Okay, and would you recommend us to others? Course I do. I tell friends you know that the experience I have, you know, and I know some friends of mine now of course, they believe in me because of this experience I had with them to doctor Rena. Okay, thank you so much. You are welcome. I I always have this, you know, as to rated this dental office, it’s one to 10. It’s a 10. It’s always a thumbs up for me. To everyone, of course you know, I will recommend this to everyone you know. Thank you

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Meet Dr. Rina Kotecha

Dr. Rina Kotecha is a graduate of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She possesses 19 years of expertise in the dentistry field specializing in general dentistry. She has further qualifications from the MGE Executive Training Program and Master Implant Training Program while holding certification in Soft Tissue Management Program by DenMat. She completed the Rondeau Seminars in Level I Orthodontics and she is an active member of the Ontario Dental Association and Ontario Dental Implant Network.