Home » Restore health and comfort with Mississauga tooth extraction

Restore health and comfort with Mississauga tooth extraction

Extractions are a last resort, a damaged, diseased, or infected tooth that is restored to healthy function is always better than a missing tooth. In turn, Mississauga tooth extraction at Dentistry on 10 includes a consultation to determine the best tooth replacement for you. The sooner the tooth is replaced, the better the odds of avoiding the complications of missing teeth.

While a tooth doesn’t have to be replaced in every case when the following conditions arise, it is a possibility in all scenarios. In the capable, gentle hands of Dr. Rina Kotecha and her team, there is no reason to fear the procedure.

Severe decay can progress to where the innermost pulp tissue is infected. Root canal therapy can often save the affected tooth, but some damage may be so severe that removing the tooth is the only way to stop infection.

Advanced gum disease or periodontitis eventually causes the gums to pull away from the teeth. An already loose tooth may fall out, but the safest, healthiest, and most comfortable approach is to visit Dentistry on 10 before the condition progresses.

Crowded teeth can cause many complications. Crowding can impede a tooth from erupting. Dr. Kotecha may recommend extraction if there is not enough room for the tooth in the first place. Insufficient room is often responsible for the third molars, or wisdom teeth, becoming impacted. They are not necessary for proper function, and may need to be pulled if the area is painful or there is potential damage to surrounding teeth, nerves, and structures.

There is no reason to delay this common, quick procedure. Dentistry on 10 offers sedative options that add to your comfort. Since the team gets to know each patient, extractions may not be necessary as problems are identified and addressed early. Call (905) 455-9262.

Mississauga tooth extraction

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Our Happy Patients Say

Procedure – Gum Disease Testimonial

Hi, my name is Naren. I have been coming to dentistry on 10 for at least five years, probably a lot longer than that. I first heard about Doctor Rena, through a friend of mine who was my roommate back in college and the, the, thing that attracted me to her right off the bat is she went to Harvard of course, you know Harvard is one of the top schools in the world, so you know studying at Harvard and Learning dentistry Harvard, I’ve never met anybody who went to Harvard, so that was the number one thing. But when I came here, it’s not the Harvard that I ended up staying here for. It’s because she’s a very caring person and she has a team that really is caring. So, for example, you know I, I, have some health conditions and you know taking care of my gums is really, really, important and I’m like not that good at taking care of myself. So you know she just, just, stuck with me, just kept at me and, you know, just taught me things and talk to me about things and you know. And when I did, you know, kind of mess up and you know, get gum disease again. You know she you know, stuck with me. So, like for me personally, I know people come for dentistry for lots of reasons, some people you know, care about their smile and things like that. For me personally, it’s the health because I have a history of health issues in my family and I know the importance of, you know, taking care of your gums and you overall mouth and health so I would strongly recommend Doctor Rena if you really care about your health. If you really want somebody who’s not just trying to, you know, give you things you don’t need, but really, who’s trying to focus on what’s good for you, helping you achieve your goals. She’s very caring, very, very patient, very, very, gentle and, and, she’s there for you. So, it’s almost like having a partner in health who’s working with you to make your life better. So, we all need it, and especially as we get older when we are in our 40s and 50s, we need to take care of our health and without doctor Rena I don’t think I would have the comes I have and I don’t think I would be working on my health. Thank you very much Doctor Rena and I would, absolutely without a hesitation, recommend anybody and my entire family comes here as well as my two kids and My wife. So, thank you for being an amazing dentist and thank you for caring about people who live in the neighbourhood and their health.

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Meet Dr. Rina Kotecha

Dr. Rina Kotecha is a graduate of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She possesses 19 years of expertise in the dentistry field specializing in general dentistry. She has further qualifications from the MGE Executive Training Program and Master Implant Training Program while holding certification in Soft Tissue Management Program by DenMat. She completed the Rondeau Seminars in Level I Orthodontics and she is an active member of the Ontario Dental Association and Ontario Dental Implant Network.