Home » Dentist in Mississauga ON detects periodontal disease early for effective treatment

Dentist in Mississauga ON detects periodontal disease early for effective treatment

the best treatment is always prevention. But, if gum disease does arise, Dr. Rina Kotecha and her team at Dentistry on 10 detect problems early when problems can be more easily resolved. Early periodontal disease treatment in Mississauga also means the condition’s effects can be reversed. Once the advanced form of the disease takes hold, severe gum damage, tooth and bone loss are irreversible.

Patient with dentist

Knowledge: The first step

It’s important to know what healthy gums look and feel like. Every person’s gums are a little bit different. Generally, healthy tissue is pink-colored and firm. If your gums are a little darker than what’s normal for you, it could be a sign of gingivitis, which is early-stage inflammation. Conversely, gums that appear to be lighter-colored than usual may suggest anemia – you don’t have enough red blood cells, or those cells don’t contain enough hemoglobin.

How do your gums usually feel? If you see red on your floss or toothbrush, bleeding can be a sign of gingivitis. Contact Dr. Kotecha and her team when your gums look or feel different, so she can get to the cause of your troubles. During routine recall appointments, Dr. Kotecha is always looking for signs of trouble. Many times, gum disease in its earliest stages is silent. There are no symptoms. Dr. Kotecha is trained and has the diagnostic tools to identify problems you didn’t even know you had! You don’t want to wait until noticeable issues arise, because usually the more dramatic the problem, the more the condition has progressed. Periodontitis, for example, can be hard to miss; this advanced gum disease is characterized by symptoms like loose or shifting teeth, and foul taste or breath.

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During visits, usually at six-month intervals, Dr. Kotecha and the team discuss habits and home care with you. Your lifestyle can either promote or prevent gum disease. Consider this:

  • Most people don’t brush and floss adequately. It’s generally advised to brush twice each day, for at least two minutes each time. Don’t forget to brush your tongue, gums, and the roof of your mouth. Floss thoroughly between and around teeth, being diligent (not aggressive) about cleaning at the gumline. The food that remains on your teeth and gums when you don’t clean properly, mixes with mouth bacteria and produces acidic plaque.
  • Professional cleanings are necessary. Your mouth is constantly forming plaque. If plaque is allowed to harden, only professional dental instruments can remove it. This is where Dentistry on 10’s professionals come in. Recall appointments wouldn’t be complete without cleanings.
  • Avoid smoking and tobacco products, keep diabetes in check, eat a balanced diet, and make sure restorations are in good repair.

The above are risk factors that can be controlled, sometimes with minimal modifications. What can’t be controlled are our genes! Since genetics has been implicated in up to around half of all gum disease cases, it’s an undeniable factor that Dr. Kotecha takes into account as a family dentist. Dr. Kotecha gets to know your family and this knowledge helps when it comes to proactive approaches to care, such as the use of dental sealants to protect particularly susceptible back teeth from plaque build-up.

Restoring oral health: A tailored journey

Should Dr. Kotecha find or confirm that concerning symptoms are caused by gum disease, she’ll tailor treatment to your specific needs. An Earlier-stage disease can be treated non-surgically with deep cleaning or home care, or with many other techniques, including:

  • Scaling and root planing – This cleaning removes plaque and tartar from root surfaces and the deep pockets that form between the teeth and gums. These pockets get deeper as the disease progresses. Dentistry on 10’s professionals smooth teeth roots to also remove the bacterial toxins that flourish as plaque builds up. Sometimes, antibiotics will be prescribed, and many patients don’t need further treatment to keep their mouth healthy.
  • At-home systems – Dr. Kotecha may recommend the daily use of a dental appliance, customised to fit your mouth. A bruxism appliance prevents clenching and grinding of teeth that also damages your gums and surrounding tissue. We also recommend special electric toothbrush use and medication to further fight gum disease.
  • Non- Surgical approach with Laser and Medicated irrigation- STM (Soft Tissue Management) Protocol for treatment of gum disease. – Most mild and moderate cases require this type of intervention, and we have had over 95% success rate with this treatment modality. Patients are certainly benefiting from this treatment and are excited to see the results. Dentistry on 10 uses gentle techniques, such as lasers, to remove inflamed or infected tissues, plaque build-up, or rough spots on the tooth’s root that attract bacteria and potentially cause re-infection. This allows the area between the gum and root to regenerate. Other instruments and techniques are used to reduce the depth of periodontal pockets, repair exposed tooth roots (due to gum recession), and to encourage natural healing of bone and tissue.

Your good oral health can’t wait! Contact Dentistry on 10 today to schedule your visit.

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Procedure - Teeth Cleaning Testimonial

Hi, my name is Hassan and about a year ago I came to Doctor Rena office moved here from Waterloo and my first my experience has been that this is really high quality dental care that you’re receiving compared to my old doctor in Waterloo for the last five to 10 years. There’s the level of care that is on display at this at this office is is really what keeps me coming back for more and the it’s a very friendly environment and I think Doctor Rena and her and our partners really want to do what’s best for your dental hygiene and health and I found my, my, own personal dental health also improving drastically as ever since I started coming here. Thank you. 

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Meet Dr. Rina Kotecha

Dr. Rina Kotecha is a graduate of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She possesses 19 years of expertise in the dentistry field specializing in general dentistry. She has further qualifications from the MGE Executive Training Program and Master Implant Training Program while holding certification in Soft Tissue Management Program by DenMat. She completed the Rondeau Seminars in Level I Orthodontics and she is an active member of the Ontario Dental Association and Ontario Dental Implant Network.