Home » Patients in the Mississauga area ask, “What is gum disease?”

Patients in the Mississauga area ask, “What is gum disease?”

Gum disease consists of chronic infection and inflammation of the gums and surrounding tissues that provide support to teeth. Three out of four people will have gum disease at some stage of their lives, and it causes about 70 percent of adult tooth loss. Unfortunately, many people in Mississauga and surrounding areas don’t really know much about it. Dr. Rina Kotecha wants to change that by answering the question, “What is gum disease?”

Young woman with gum disease

A sticky, transparent biofilm called plaque is continually forming on your teeth. About 600 strains of bacteria live in it; some beneficial and some that aggressively contribute to gum disease. These organisms feed on sugars in your mouth and excrete acids that irritate soft tissues. If you don’t remove plaque each day with proper brushing and flossing, it hardens into tartar or calculus. Tartar builds up at the gum line and causes more irritation.

The initial stage of gum disease is called gingivitis. Gums bleed easily and look puffy and discolored. You may have a funny taste in your mouth or foul breath from gingivitis.

Left untreated, toxins from bacteria continue to break down fibers that keep gums sealed to teeth. Pockets form around tooth roots and harbor more bacteria and infection. As the condition progresses to periodontal disease, damage extends to the bone and ligaments that hold teeth in place. Eventually teeth fall out or extraction is required.

Meanwhile, a huge strain is placed on your body from fighting this infection 24/7. Bacteria that cause gum disease are also linked to grave health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, systemic conditions, and premature births.

Genetics, lifestyle factors like tobacco use and poor nutrition, medical conditions, pregnancy, crooked teeth, and some medications also contribute to gum disease.

Dr. Kotecha and her hygiene team at Dentistry on 10 promote prevention of gum disease with good home hygiene and regular professional examinations and cleanings. When it does occur, she helps patients get it under control with a progressive plan of deep cleaning, scaling and root planing, periodontal treatment trays to use at home, laser surgery, and periodontal surgery if necessary. Then she monitors the condition and adjusts treatment to keep mouth and body healthy.

Call Dentistry on 10 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kotecha, for the highest level of professional care in an at-home environment. The number is (905) 455-9262.

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Meet Dr. Rina Kotecha

Dr. Rina Kotecha is a graduate of the Harvard School of Dental Medicine. She possesses 19 years of expertise in the dentistry field specializing in general dentistry. She has further qualifications from the MGE Executive Training Program and Master Implant Training Program while holding certification in Soft Tissue Management Program by DenMat. She completed the Rondeau Seminars in Level I Orthodontics and she is an active member of the Ontario Dental Association and Ontario Dental Implant Network.