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Good health and more come from regular cleanings in the office of your dentist in the Brampton area

We brush, and hopefully floss, our teeth on a daily basis. Why is it, then, that we are encouraged to get professional cleanings twice a year? Dr. Kotecha at Dentistry on 10 provides her patients with comprehensive care of the utmost quality. Our entire team strives to assist families in the achievement of their healthiest and most attractive smiles. It is our hope that through preventative care, our patients will enjoy oral health and a greater sense of wellbeing by avoiding dental problems. Cleanings are an essential part of this goal, providing advantages that include: Decreased risk of tooth decay … Continue reading

Best reasons to see your dentist in Mississauga for a tooth-colored crown

Today more than ever, we find it important to repair teeth in such a way that the smile’s natural appearance is preserved. A crown is a customized restoration that is designed to replicate the size and shape of a tooth. Though it is possible for a crown to be made from gold or other types of metal, the most commonly used material for dental crowns is porcelain. This material, whether used on its own or as a covering for a metal substructure, best resembles natural enamel for results that patients love. Your dentist in Mississauga may use a dental crown … Continue reading

Your family dentist near Brampton in Mississauga provides care to prevent the progression of dental problems

It is often said that there is no cure like prevention. This is true whether we are speaking of our oral health or our general health. Dr. Rina Kotecha teaches her patients that most of the dental problems they may experience can be prevented. Going above and beyond as a family dentist, she works with patients from Brampton and other areas near Mississauga to institute the practices that will enable them to enjoy their very best oral health for life. Without prevention or prompt attention, dental problems can escalate unnecessarily. Cavities begin as weakened enamel. At first, areas of decay … Continue reading

General dentistry treatments in the Port Credit area may be geared towards gum disease

According to the Canadian Dental Association, gum disease will affect seven in ten people. Unfortunately, a common secondary problem to gum disease is the loss of at least one permanent tooth. Dr. Rina Kotecha, in her general dentistry practice near Port Credit, encourages patients with the fact that gum disease is not only treatable but also preventable How gum disease starts In the average person’s mouth is approximately 600 different types of bacteria. These living organisms may aid in the breakdown of foods for the purpose of digestion. Others pose a serious threat to health. Bacteria may accumulate in the … Continue reading

Port Credit family dentist identifies common causes of dental problems

In recent years, we have been reminded that what we eat really does affect our health and wellbeing. Though more people recognize that food choices can make them feel more or less energetic and potentially inhibit the development of certain diseases, the benefits of healthy eating are often not extended to the smile. Dr. Kotecha, in her office near Port Credit, discusses with patients the common factors in the development of problems like cavities. A family dentist can help patients identify ways they can take better control of their oral health, and this is what our patients can expect. Professional … Continue reading

Give your smile the best care by teaming with your experienced dentist near Port Credit

Dentistry may seem a very straightforward practice. You visit the dentist for x-rays, cleanings, and examinations. From the time you are a child all the way through life, the standard routine for dental care does not seem to change much at all. You may have the perception that what your dentist does for you, she is also doing the very same things for every one of her other patients. The fact is that every person is different. Getting good quality dental care from your dentist near Port Credit means receiving customized care designed around your needs at any given time. … Continue reading

Positive reviews in Port Credit for dentist who focuses on the unique needs of each patient

Dentistry on 10 earns many positive reviews. Behind those positive reviews are happy patients. It’s not about resting on accolades; it’s about improving the health of each patient. When you improve the oral health of a patient, you also improve their quality of life. One of the ways Dr. Rina Kotecha is assuring the next generation gets off to the right foot with proper oral hygiene is with incentives, such as a Cavity Club that rewards the littlest patients who are cavity-free with prizes and a certificate to recognise their healthy habits. Oral health is an ongoing journey, so Dr. … Continue reading

A good relationship with dentistry professionals near Port Credit is a family affair

Have you ever said (or heard anyone say) bad teeth run in my family? There is some truth to that statement. Gum disease has a genetic component. Remember, there is also a bacterial factor at play. If you are sharing drinks or food with family members who have untreated periodontitis the bacteria can be transferred to you. This can put you and otherwise healthy relatives at greater risk for dental disease than those households whose family members don’t have the condition. Bad teeth also mean a lot of different things to different people. In some cases, you may have teeth … Continue reading

Mississauga patients can enjoy high quality, affordable dental care

When searching for an affordable dental provider in Mississauga, it’s important to consider the quality and value of services provided, while also balancing payment options that help reduce costs associated with quality care Competence The lowest cost provider is not always the best option. There are many examples of patients who may have tried to save money by taking care into their own hands, only to end up with more severe problems than those they initially tried to correct. Some associations such as the American Association of Orthodontists have issued statements warning about the dangers of products that may be … Continue reading

General practice in Mississauga combines preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry for your health

With general practice dentistry in Mississauga, you avoid, or get relief, from the tooth, gum, and facial pain that more than half of Ontarians have reportedly experienced in the past month. Preventive and restorative procedures are powerful, because oral health has the potential to affect every aspect of your life. Dental pain interferes with sleep, study, and work. Cosmetic procedures also transform the quality of your life, by making you feel better about the smile that is such a prominent facial feature. Dentistry on 10 sees these positive transformations daily. In-office and at-home teeth whitening and veneers make over stained, … Continue reading

5 Star Reviews

Our Happy Patients Say

Dental Bridge Testimonial

So, tell us a little bit about you know what problem you were having before you came to dentistry on 10. Okay, my problem was that that I had my dentures for 30 years and then when I came to dentistry on 10, I met Doctor Rena you know for the first time she talked to me you know and I voiced all my problem and I was so glad you know that he listened to me for the first time, that this doctor, you know is so very national emotionally I. I was so impressed of what the caring he did to me and that the her hand is so gentle and that’s why I’ll never forget her, you know, and I as a woman like I mean we have the similarity like and that’s what I just said like about this you know when the first came in here and what she did for my teeth of course, you know. And you know, before you when you had your dentures and you know before she changed it, how was that affecting you in your life? Of course, you know it affects my, and I don’t have any confidence on myself and I don’t even smile you know, then want to open my mouth I’m always like for a long time. For 30 years I’ve always put my hands on my mouth and I don’t my mouth and I don’t want to smile at all. You know, that’s my problem. And now? And now I will never stop, you know, smiling, you know and always thinking of her and how I felt good about myself now. I felt good about myself and I thank you know doctor Rena and although you’re stopping here at dentistry on 10, they are so nice so nice. Okay, and would you recommend us to others? Course I do. I tell friends you know that the experience I have, you know, and I know some friends of mine now of course, they believe in me because of this experience I had with them to doctor Rena. Okay, thank you so much. You are welcome. I I always have this, you know, as to rated this dental office, it’s one to 10. It’s a 10. It’s always a thumbs up for me. To everyone, of course you know, I will recommend this to everyone you know. Thank you

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